-Hazel Grace (The Fault In Our Stars)

Sometimes we take the time for granted, we think we always going to have some more. Some more with us, some more with the people we love, some more to eat, some more to live, some more to breathe. Some more to hear that song that you love once again, just some more. We don’t realize that, that second you just spent is never coming back, that stare, that smell in that exact same time, that sky, that look… it’ll never be the same again.That changes, when you know your time has an expiration date. And I’m not talking about death, no. Everyone knows death’s coming for us someday. I’m talking, when you know, you’re going to die soon. So soon that you try to remember all those times I mentioned before for the last time.That’s when you start to look in front of you, that’s when you start to live. In the meantime, you’re just breathing, but when you know your expiration day, you live. Oh, you live to the fullest. You give everyone that extra piece of you, so they remeber that you lived, even thought, you did it just at the end of this journey…





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I'm a biology/Microbiology student at RUM, PR. And I'm a sucker for Quotes. (:

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